The Utah Counties Indemnity Pool Board of Directors is happy to announce the Annual Meeting of the Members. The Pool was created by county officials with the help of UAC in 1992. Rates are stable, coverage is broad (yet specific to county and county related entities operations), and counties have equity ownership and control of claims.

All officials and members are invited and encouraged to attend. Please click here to register. This is an opportunity to hear from, and more importantly to be heard by, your Board of Directors regarding the protection of county assets. The UCIP Board of Directors needs your input to ensure that the UCIP Interlocal Agency is providing the services envisioned and needed by its members.
November 16, 2022, 4:00 pm
The Dixie Convention Center | Garden Room
1835 Convention Center Drive
St. George, UT, 84790
Business Session: Bruce Adams
Approval of Agenda
Introduction of Board and Staff
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes
Nominating Committee Report
Speeches by Nominees
Financial Report
CEO Report: Johnnie Miller
Board Report: Bruce Adams
Service Awards: Bill Cox
Election Results: Bob Stevenson
Member Comments, Questions and Requests
Registration is required and must be completed by November 11. Dinner will be provided at The Rib & Chop House and is free to member county officials who attend the meeting. Guest dinner is $25.